2 min read How to use Product ID
Written by Product ID Team
Published on 2023-06-28

Product ID provides comprehensive support for all aspects of your brand and product, including news, policies, locations, and customer assistance.

The Product ID platform allows you to utilize over 40 block assets and more than 100 possibilities to create an Interactive Label - an omnichannel explanation of your products that offers unparalleled flexibility and control.

What are the most frequent use cases for the Product ID platform? Where should you start?

Educate and explain

It is no longer a black box to see what people from different cities are asking about your products. Usually, it is relatively generic, but depending on the territories, it may be different:

  • Full Product Descriptions: We all know that you do not have space to include everything you want to say about the product. This is the space for it.
  • Skin Type Compatibility: More than 50% of customers check if this product matches their skin.
  • Full list of Skin Benefits: You have a comprehensive list of the skin benefits. Let your customers know about them. When they are comparing products, extra benefits make the difference.
  • Full list of Certifications: This is the place to explain if your product is organic, vegan, halal, or dermatologist-certified for the specific market. Did you know that halal certification may lead to a 25% increase in sales in certain markets?
  • How to use it: It may sound obvious, but it's not. Your recommendations on how to use the product are much better than internet blogger assumptions and can help avoid bad experiences.
  • How to store it: More than 35% of customers ask about the best practices for storing products, especially when it comes to new products without previous experience.

Virtual campaigns or territory-specific batches

No problem. Depending on your needs, you can now easily create interactive labels for your virtual product, individual batches destined for a single territory, or even a single package of your product.

How should I create all those descriptions?

And the best thing is that you don't need to create all those descriptions and explanations from scratch. Simply upload everything you have about your products and let the AI do its magic.

First step to understanding your customers Contact us for demo
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