3 min read Localization and Globalization: Keys to Your Brand’s International Success
Written by Product ID Team
Published on 2023-06-28

A Chinese tourist walks into a Parisian beauty store. That is not the start of a joke, but rather a situation that applies not only to tourists but also to expats. Oh, and let's not forget all the customers who do not speak your language and rely on the tiny sticker with the local translation placed by the distributor. Let us take a look at these use cases that, together, may account for millions of lost sales.

Chinese tourists in Paris - how do you explain your product?

Have you noticed the booming trend of interactive tourism this year? Foreign tourists entering a local shop currently see only the local label. Switching the product label into their language exclusively for them sounds like a miracle, right? Well, it's not. An interactive label understands the language of the tourists and displays everything in their language. This is where localization comes into play. Translation is only the first step towards explanation. Can a Chinese tourist understand why rose extract is so expensive? Cultural differences explained help the Chinese tourist understand the product and make an educated decision.

Are you ready to serve 1.6 billion people?

Tired of teaching your distributors about your products?

When was the last time you decided not to buy something because of a lack of understanding and clarity? Based on our experiences, at least once a week we refrain from purchasing a product due to lack of understanding – be it a packet of Chinese dumplings (what meat is inside? No idea), a cream (what is the percentage of active ingredients?), or a tube of lip balm (because the sticker is so small you cannot read anything).

Your distributors can receive all the information they need from you, but still place a sticker with 17 local languages of the region they serve. The visual appeal of your branding is destroyed the moment a plastic sticker covers the beautiful gold design of your luxurious box. An ounce of prevention – simply place a QR code on your products and let your distributors know they do not need to spend money and time localizing your brand. Using an automated system to distribute information about your products is a win for you, your distributors, and your customers.

DigiAssistant: Your Retail Magic Assistant

The solution is simpler than you think: DigiAssistant, a super-convenient way for retail stores to educate and assist their customers. You simply upload all the product materials you have, and our AI-powered DigiAssistant does the heavy lifting for you. Customers can simply scan and choose the best product for their skin, according to their preferences or religious beliefs.

Provide your DigiAssistant card to your retail partners, and you will immediately have control over how your products are explained to your customers because it is done by LUX on your behalf. Placing a QR code next to your product on the shelf makes a huge difference, especially if you want to provide a portfolio experience of your products. We estimate that simply placing LUX on your retail shelf increases sales by 25%. Happy customers become your organic ambassadors.

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