Regional Representatives Contact our regional representatives to inquire about our services

Discover our representatives in different locations and reach out to customize your services or become one of our regional representatives!



Contact Czech office


Contact Portuguese office


Contact French office
South Korea


Contact Korean office
North America

Unfortunately, we currently do not have an office in North America. If you would like to become one of the representatives in this location please contact us. Or, if you are looking for a contact point in general please contact our general office. For more details or requests, please start a conversation with LUX.

South America

Unfortunately, we currently do not have an office in South America. If you would like to become one of the representatives in this location please contact us. Or, if you are looking for a contact point in general please contact our general office. For more details or requests, please start a conversation with LUX.

Australia and New Zealand

Unfortunately, we currently do not have an office in Australia and New Zealand. If you would like to become one of the representatives in this location please contact us. Or, if you are looking for a contact point in general please contact our general office. For more details or requests, please start a conversation with LUX.


Unfortunately, we currently do not have an office in Africa at the moment. If you would like to become one of the representatives in this location please contact us. Or, if you are looking for a contact point in general please contact our general office. For more details or requests, please start a conversation with LUX.


Unfortunately, we currently do not have an office in the Gulf zone. If you would like to become one of the representatives in this location please contact us. Or, if you are looking for a contact point in general please contact our general office. For more details or requests, please start a conversation with LUX.

Regional Representatives

We believe in partnerships and focus to be local to become global. Should you be interested to partner with us on regional or industrial representation, we would love to hear from you.

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