Authenticity check Show you are real

Make sure your customers are receiving authentic products with Product ID. Our platform allows you to track distribution status and gain insights into how counterfeit goods are affecting your customers. Build brand value and customer trust by providing genuine, high-quality products they can rely on.

Functions for authenticity check
No app required

No app downloads! With just one simple scan, customers can quickly determine whether the product they have in their hands is authentic or not. This streamlined process ensures a smooth and convenient shopping experience for your customers, while also helping to protect your brand’s reputation from counterfeit products.

Customer loyalty

Product ID’s on-product QR codes provide an easy way for your customers to verify the authenticity of your products, while also giving your brand valuable insights into fraud prevention. By empowering your customers with the ability to quickly and easily verify their purchases, you can increase their confidence in your brand and drive customer loyalty.
We provide different levels of authenticity checks, from the simple method to the NFC technology and computer vision technology.

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Authenticity fraud mapping

Revamp your brand security with Product ID’s powerful QR codes and brand console. Effortlessly detect and combat counterfeit products, gain valuable insights on regional authenticity and distribution, and ensure your brand’s success and reputation globally.

Show your customers you are the real deal Contact us for demo
Use cases of Product ID Have a glance into the services we provide to help brands.
Explain individual product and brand explanation Clear and comprehensive explanations to showcase your brand and products
#Products #Brands

Product ID provides comprehensive support for all aspects of your brand and product, including news, policies, locations, and customer assistance. Our detailed product explanations ensure a smooth user experience and assistance whenever needed.

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Create digital presentation of products Captivate your customers with stunning visual content
#Marketplace #Plug-in

Strengthen your visual marketing campaigns and e-commerce product presence, and succeed in the online marketplace! Empower your customers with the right information to become loyal buyers and boost your sales.

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Support physical products on the shelf Build stronger customer relationships with online support

We offer personalized and comprehensive support to customers, addressing everything from product-related questions to skincare concerns. Our goal is to help you build a loyal following by delivering exceptional customer service that meets the needs of each individual…

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Empower your customers to check authenticity Verify the genuineness of your products with ease
#Real #Fake #Authenticity

Make sure your customers are receiving authentic products with Product ID. Our platform allows you to track distribution status and gain insights into how counterfeit goods are affecting your customers. Build brand value and customer trust by providing genuine, high-quality products they can rely on.

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Explain individual product and brand explanation Clear and comprehensive explanations to showcase your brand and products
#Products #Brands

Product ID provides comprehensive support for all aspects of your brand and product, including news, policies, locations, and customer assistance. Our detailed product explanations ensure a smooth user experience and assistance whenever needed.

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Create digital presentation of products Captivate your customers with stunning visual content
#Marketplace #Plug-in

Strengthen your visual marketing campaigns and e-commerce product presence, and succeed in the online marketplace! Empower your customers with the right information to become loyal buyers and boost your sales.

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Support physical products on the shelf Build stronger customer relationships with online support

We offer personalized and comprehensive support to customers, addressing everything from product-related questions to skincare concerns. Our goal is to help you build a loyal following by delivering exceptional customer service that meets the needs of each individual…

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Empower your customers to check authenticity Verify the genuineness of your products with ease
#Real #Fake #Authenticity

Make sure your customers are receiving authentic products with Product ID. Our platform allows you to track distribution status and gain insights into how counterfeit goods are affecting your customers. Build brand value and customer trust by providing genuine, high-quality products they can rely on.

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