Support for physical products on the shelf Turn curious visitors into loyal customers

We offer personalized and comprehensive support to customers, addressing everything from product-related questions to skincare concerns. Our goal is to help you build a loyal following by delivering exceptional customer service that meets the needs of each individual. Let us help your brand stand out by providing the perfect solutions for your customers’ needs.

Functions for physical products on the shelf
In-depth product explanation through
customised Interactive label

With Product ID, your customers can access relevant product details and associated services in one place. From one QR code, they can access the product manual, product usage instructions, ingredient list with its details, warnings, or storage manual. Each product comes with an individual Interactive label, customized for different territories and languages, providing customers with a unique experience in their preferred language, no matter where they are.

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Meet Lux, meet our virtual skincare AI assistant

Looking for an easy way to provide your customers with 24/7 support and answers to their questions? ‘Lux, our virtual skincare AI assistant, provides customers with instant access to the information and assistance they need. With its advanced natural language processing technology, Lux easily understands customer inquiries in over 30 different languages, ensuring that customers feel comfortable and confident in their skincare journey. Say goodbye to language barriers and hello to a smarter, more personalized customer experience with Lux.

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Localization of the label to different languages

Product ID’s advanced technology provides a personalized experience to your customers. Our customizable digital labels cater to specific buyer profiles, like the Halal certificate for Arabic-speaking customers in Indonesia and Spain, ensuring their satisfaction. But it doesn’t stop there - our virtual skincare assistant Lux provides alternative product options based on the customer’s skin or hair type and reminds them to purchase their next product before expiry. This level of service not only enhances customer experience but also promotes customer loyalty, leading to increased sales and growth for your business.

Proactive claim announcement with alternative product recommendations

Effective communication is essential to building strong relationships with your customers. But with different cultures and languages comes the need for localization - the ability to present product information in a language and in a way that resonates with customers from specific territories and languages. By partnering with Product ID, you ensure that your customers always have access to accurate and relevant product information, no matter where they are in the world. Our platform enables you to present localized Digital Labels to customers, providing them with a seamless shopping experience that speaks to their unique cultural values and language.

Virtual try-on

Impress your customers with an unparalleled in-store shopping experience! Our DigiBeauty Assistant provides your in-store assistants with all the necessary information to help potential customers make informed decisions. Our cutting-edge technology allows customers to try on virtual makeup and outfits, eliminating the need for physical samples. With DigiBeauty Assistant, your in-store assistant can recommend products that best suit your customers, and our virtual try-on feature lets them visualize the products before purchasing. Give your customers an unforgettable shopping experience with DigiBeauty Assistant.

Assist your customer when they need it the most Contact us for demo
Use cases of Product ID Have a glance into the services we provide to help brands.
Explain individual product and brand explanation Clear and comprehensive explanations to showcase your brand and products
#Products #Brands

Product ID provides comprehensive support for all aspects of your brand and product, including news, policies, locations, and customer assistance. Our detailed product explanations ensure a smooth user experience and assistance whenever needed.

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Create digital presentation of products Captivate your customers with stunning visual content
#Marketplace #Plug-in

Strengthen your visual marketing campaigns and e-commerce product presence, and succeed in the online marketplace! Empower your customers with the right information to become loyal buyers and boost your sales.

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Support physical products on the shelf Build stronger customer relationships with online support

We offer personalized and comprehensive support to customers, addressing everything from product-related questions to skincare concerns. Our goal is to help you build a loyal following by delivering exceptional customer service that meets the needs of each individual…

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Empower your customers to check authenticity Verify the genuineness of your products with ease
#Real #Fake #Authenticity

Make sure your customers are receiving authentic products with Product ID. Our platform allows you to track distribution status and gain insights into how counterfeit goods are affecting your customers. Build brand value and customer trust by providing genuine, high-quality products they can rely on.

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Explain individual product and brand explanation Clear and comprehensive explanations to showcase your brand and products
#Products #Brands

Product ID provides comprehensive support for all aspects of your brand and product, including news, policies, locations, and customer assistance. Our detailed product explanations ensure a smooth user experience and assistance whenever needed.

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Create digital presentation of products Captivate your customers with stunning visual content
#Marketplace #Plug-in

Strengthen your visual marketing campaigns and e-commerce product presence, and succeed in the online marketplace! Empower your customers with the right information to become loyal buyers and boost your sales.

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Support physical products on the shelf Build stronger customer relationships with online support

We offer personalized and comprehensive support to customers, addressing everything from product-related questions to skincare concerns. Our goal is to help you build a loyal following by delivering exceptional customer service that meets the needs of each individual…

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Empower your customers to check authenticity Verify the genuineness of your products with ease
#Real #Fake #Authenticity

Make sure your customers are receiving authentic products with Product ID. Our platform allows you to track distribution status and gain insights into how counterfeit goods are affecting your customers. Build brand value and customer trust by providing genuine, high-quality products they can rely on.

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