QR code unlocking the digital experience

With the ubiquitous smartphone use, QR codes become the ultimate key to the digital world. With one camera click, your customers reach the hyper-personalised digital presentation, creating the real omnichannel experience.

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The QR code system Products which supports Product ID are given a unique QR code representing the product. The QR code may be available on-line of in physical representation attached on the product on the packaging or placement of the brand’s choice.
Online & Physical production

It is up to the brand where the customer could find the customer could find the QR code. It could be placed on their online stores and E-commerce platforms online or physically on their products.

Quick and easy

It is a friendly tool for the customer, especially for the younger generations who have grown up around the technology and are the strong candidate for active customers of the industry.

Feasible plan

As the customers of the new age are already familiar with the function of the QR code. It will act as a feasible plan. Customers are not introduced to a new working system making it more comfortable and friendly for the users to try.

Integration with the brand console

As the brand will have the access to the brand console, brands do not need to worry about customers exposed to inaccurate product information as the information from the brand will be directly delivered to the customers’ phone.

Give your customers a way to get the information they need, when they need it Contact us for demo
On- product QR code

The On-Product QR code is the QR code that will be placed physically on the part of the product- it may be on the product packaging or on the product itself.

E-Product ID QR code

The E-Product ID QR code is the QR code that will be displayed on your official e-shop or on the E-commerce platform where your products are being sold.

Advantages of using Product ID QR codes

Creating an online presence, from scratch, in multiple languages

Easy access to customers, from upsale, marketing surveys to complaints management

Increase sales and reputation by authenticating products

Communicate seamlessly your benefits, sustainability and origin values

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